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This building is near the Na'mat Square and Nathan Strauss Street. It looks very worn down, but there are still people living in the building. I saw a women hanging up laundry.

Nathan Strauss Street 25.

Nathan Strauss Street.

Moshe, collecting money.
He was sitting a few meters from the ATM machine from Bank HaPoalim on Malkei Israel Street.
He was sitting a few meters from the ATM machine from Bank HaPoalim on Malkei Israel Street.

These 2 men were standing on a second floor balcony on Me'a She'arim Street.
They give the impression as being in a scene of the popular series "Shtisel"
They give the impression as being in a scene of the popular series "Shtisel"

A Beit Knesset on Me'a She'arim Street, belonging to Toldot Aharon.

These 2 Toldot Aharon boys saw me (and my tour guide) standing on the other side of the street (Me'a She'arim Street). When they passed by they looked the other way, in their stream of Judaism it is not allowed to have your picture taken and for sure not by a female photografer.

One of the many small and overly crowded streets in Me'a Shearim.

This is one of the many entrances (Shearim) from the neighbourhood. It is located near "Kiryat Shomrei Emunim" .
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.

This is one of the many entrances (Shearim) from the neighbourhood. It is located near "Kiryat Shomrei Emunim" .
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.

This is one of the many entrances (Shearim) from the neighbourhood. It is located near "Kiryat Shomrei Emunim" .
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.

This is one of the many entrances (Shearim) from the neighbourhood. It is located near "Kiryat Shomrei Emunim" .
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.
The exact location is not important since we want to prevent that people go wandering there on their own.
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